Using a DVB-T tuner dongle based on the RTL2832U chipset, it is possible to convert it into a wideband software defined radio with appropriate software. The wide band radio scanner obtained allows access to a lot of applications at a very reasonable price. These dongles are readily available on Ebay.
For more information visit
I have used these dongles to track aircraft positions by decoding the ADS-B signals transmitted by the aircraft and also for receiving weather satellite images from polar orbiting satellite.
RTL-SDR dongle
12 elements collinear coax antenna
Home made ADS-B antenna. All 12 elements sealed in a pvc pipe.
Using adsbSCOPE 2.7 to decode signal transmitted by aircraft.
Receiving Meteor-M N2 Russian weather polar orbiting satellite.
Using a RTL-SDR with a raspberry pi for receiving ADS-B signal.
Sending aircraft positions to FltRadar 24 using a RTL-SDR dongle and dump1090 software on a window laptop.